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Competence Center Medicine - Ethics - Law Helvetiae

Fresh Ideas for Cancer Care 2.0: Rare Cancer Diseases

Improving efficiency in cancer care through joint problem solving by qualified PhD students and leading experts in the field


In the summer of 2022 the Center for Medicine-Ethics-Law Helvetiae and the PhD program Biomedical Ethics and Law / Law Track of the University of Zurich will launch the project “Fresh Ideas for Cancer Care 2.0: Rare Cancer Diseases” in cooperation with All.Can Switzerland, a global policy initiative aiming to improve efficiency in cancer care.

Different actors in the field of cancer care experience a variety of challenges and issues. With the common goal to improve efficiency in cancer care, stakeholders, experts and interested PhD students join forces to develop solutions to relevant problems. Each stakeholder or expert participating in this project will highlight issues that have arisen in practice and will present a specific set of questions to be treated by the PhD students.

The project “Fresh Ideas for Cancer Care 2.0” offers PhD students from different disciplines and backgrounds (e.g. medicine, natural sciences, law and economics) the opportunity to work on one of the presented practical cases and to connect with leading stakeholders and experts in the field. The project’s aim is to develop new approaches in cancer research, in the development of medicine and therapies as well as financing, to identify and remedy inefficiencies and to search for alternative solutions.

General topics

Topic 1: Rare cancers: Pricing and reimbursement of drugs or therapies
Topic 2: Rare cancers: Personalised medicine in prevention, diagnosis and therapy - opportunities and risks
Topic 3: Treatment and care of affected persons and relatives with a special focus on adolescents and young adults
Topic 4: Digitalisation: Integration and inclusion of affected persons via digital channels

Specific problems

Topic 1: Benefit- and value-based compensation: The problem of assessing the value of therapies for rare cancers
Topic 2: Individual patient parameters and systematic comparison: The basis for informing individualized therapeutic recommendations
Topic 3: Treatment of adolescent and young adult cancer patients in Switzerland
Topic 4: "Dynamic Consent" in medical research

Participating experts

Topic 1: 

Dr. Jan Depta (Novartis),

Dr. Andreas Wildi (Walder Wyss),

Dr. Dominik Wettstein (Einkaufsgemeinschaft HSK)

Topic 2: 

Dr. Daniel Vonder Mühll (Personalized Health and Related Technologies PHRT),

Prof. Dr. Andreas Wicki (USZ),

Prof. Dr. Simone Schürle (ETH Zurich), 

Prof. Dr. Valentina Boeva (ETH Zurich),

Dr. Emma Pooley (former ETH Zurich)

Topic 3: 

Dr. Katharina Roser (University of Lucerne)

Topic 4: 

Dr. Julian Mausbach (UZH),

Marcel Pfaffhauser (IBM Research)


Kick-Off Event 08. September 2022

Experts present their problems to the participants

Focus Groups I September 2022 - February 2023

The participants work on the received problems in their respective groups​

  • Every group will be coached by their expert in the specific field​
  • Groups are encouraged to invite/meet with other stakeholders to better understand the problem​
  • Write report and workshop handout
Afternoon Workshop

16. February 2023

  • All focus groups present and then discuss their preliminary results​

  • All experts and stakeholders are invited

Focus Groups II February 2023 - June 2023


  • Implementation of feedbacks and finalization of report​

  • Prepare final presentation

  • Deadline final report: 22. May 2023

Public Event

01. June 2023

1.5h public event at UZH to present the solutions:​

  • Each group to present their solutions within e.g. 10 min speech​

  • Panel discussion mixed with experts and participants

Zoom (JPG, 502 KB)

Application and participation

To apply, please send a short letter of motivation, transcript of records and your preference in the abovementioned topics to

Applications are open until 30 August 2022.

Participation at the Kick-Off Event, Workshop and Public Event is mandatory.

Participation is (recommended to be) awarded with 6 ECTS points.

The project will be held in English and German.

The performance records or products constist of a paper (approx. 10-15 pages) and a presentation.


Kick-off Event presentation (PDF, 380 KB)

Flyer (PDF, 395 KB)

  • Flyer 1


  • Flyer 2

We are happy to answer your questions or to supply further information if needed. Please send us an email to

Link to VVZ

Link to OLAT-Page
